Monday, June 6, 2011

Finding Strength

Finding Strength Review

Could he be a hero? No one would believe it. Five feet tall, twelve years old-Jamie Martin has all he can do to survive day-to-day, but life is never that simple. Hard work and dedication have given Jamie exceptional skills, yet he remains insecure. Beset upon by relentless bullies, challenged to attend a Tae Kwon Do tournament despite, his recent failure, and training for his black belt test are not even his most difficult challenges. Though he must learn to face all of these things, they pale in comparison to the riddle he must solve. A fellow student has written a pair of disturbing poems that warn of things to come. The vice principal brushes them off as no concern, but Jamie believes they may have dire consequences. If he fails to discover the truth behind these mysterious papers in time, someone will die.

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