Monday, June 13, 2011

The J-Man

The J-Man Review

Jake Man is called the J-Man because of the accurate jump shot he had in his Hall of Fame career hoop days when he won more titles than any other player. But apparently that was easy compared to dealing with the death of his wife and kids in an aircraft accident. In an effort to shake Jake out of his depression, his former coach drags him off to Africa in hopes that the often horrible conditions there will give Jake a new challenge. But it takes Jake’s meeting with Sabba Denza, the lovely, magnetic, an alleged AIDS immune African woman running a refugee camp for Aid’s victims to really shake our hero out of his torpor. Thus, when Sabba is later reported missing and likely dead, Jake heads back to Africa alone determined to rescue her if possible. Tips soon convince Jake that Sabba is being held prisoner by a despotic head of state who feared Sabba’s popularity with the masses might lead to his overthrow. In desperation our hero hires a former Green Beret and several of his comrades to help Jake locate and free Sabba. Can they do so and in time for her to testify before the UN about the need to increase the availability of anti-Aids medicine in Africa? It’s quite a tale—read it and find out the answer—you’ll love this woman!!

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